Monday, July 12, 2010

Background of Enzymes

Today's fast food diet, plus the overwhelming and prolonged state of stress from pressures of work and family, drains energy from our enzymes as well as our body systems, especially our immune system.

We assault our bodies with empty carbohydrate foods, inadequate exercise, and irregular eating habits.

We eat on the run, grabbing toxic substances such as alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, drugs, salt and sugar, plus giving ourselves little personal time and probably not enough sleep.

We have become our own assassins.

We kill our enzymes and our immune system, which leaves us vulnerable and defenseless.

Research says we are a sick society. We can’t get a well balanced diet because of all the preservatives, addictive, storage, canning, freezing, drying and adulteration of our foods.
But even if it’s fresh, is our food still alive?

What keeps food alive?

Enzymes - Energy rich enzymes

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